Thursday, October 28, 2010

Catch Up!

So....a little while ago I went to visit some friends in good ol' Rexburg Idaho with another one of my good friends. It was a super short trip but it was really fun. Their little apartment is above a malt shop that has live music and a dance floor. I wish I had gotten a picture of their apartment because it was seriously so cute. One of the days we went to see some water falls that were soooo pretty. That night we went to eat at the most unbelievable burger joint. Yes, you'll know what I am talking about when you see the pictures. It was such a fun trip, and I have to give a shout out to the Stringhams for being so hospitable!

The pictures below are seriously unbelievable right!?! A single patty was 1 lb. They ordered me the single to see if I could get my picture on the wall by eating it all. I failed miserably. The rest of them shared a double. Needless to say we were all stuffed by the time we left.

Please don't be offended by these next pictures. Come on they are asking for it right?? We were driving out to go shoot some skeet and I made everyone get out of the car to take pictures with this sign. I just couldn't believe it! Do I have the sense of humor of a five year old....well yes I guess I do.

I also went to the Lion King at Capital Theater and Tarzan down at Tuacahn. Both were so amazing. The costumes for the Lion King are so neat. I don't have any pictures from Tarzan, unfortunately. Funny thing about Tarzan is that I think the guy who played Kerchak (Tarzan's dad) looks like a gorilla despite the makeup and costume anyway. Impressive casting. I would go to both of them again. So great!

I have to work this whole weekened :(. Therefore I don't really get to celebrate Halloween so I did it last week. My old roommate Dottie and I dressed up as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because....well what else would we dress up as? These outifts were crafted by Dottie's mother and lots of duct tape. Sweet....

This one if fuzzy because we were moving so fast!

The next night I went to an ABC party my friends were having. They just moved into a new house so it was kind of like a house warming party. And yes, ABC does stand for anything but clothes. I went over to their house early to try and craft something out of whatever they had. Between us their was a newspaper, bubble wrap, ball pit, and duct tape dress. I have to tell you I made Julee's newspaper dress and I am super proud. Project Runway here I come! Also, I have a micro mini duct tape skirt....we ran out of duct tape!

Yup, only one looking at the camera

Last but not least....I have decided I attract rodents of unusual size. Well maybe just rodents in general. I was sitting on the couch last night watching a movie (it was like 2:30 am. My sleeping patterns are out of wack thanks to night shifts) and all of the sudden I hear our dog barking like mad. I went to investigate and there sits a hissing racoon on my dad's Harley. Oodie (our dog) was frantically trying to get to it. Of course, I run to grab the camera THEN spring into action. I grabbed Oodie so the racoon would come down and then I let Oodie go to get it. It freaked out and ran up the weedwacker hanging on the wall.

Thats when I got my dad out of bed and this is what ensued.

Apparently I laugh like a clown....didn't know that. And the rustling and growling you can hear at the very end...yeah thats Oodie and the raccoon going at it. Oodie eventually chased it up a tree. What did Oodie get for all of his hard work?? A good belly scratch and a Rabies booster the next day. Thanks Oodie!