Friday, August 20, 2010

Wigs, David, and Mountain Men

Yes, another trip to Vegas. Apparently I can't get enough. My good friend Char got married on the 28th so we did a big hoorah in Vegas for her. The girls that planned it did a great job....I'm broke but it was really fun :). The first night we went out in these crazy wigs and I'll tell you the drunk people of Vegas just loved us. We ended singing Happy Birthday to several people like we were a wigged singing group. We spent all day at the pool the next day and, yes I'll answer your question, I did see the tiny blonde comedian we know as David the "party" pool. Not much of a party pool unless you pay 100 bucks. Crazy.
That night we dressed up nice to go to TAO the club at the Venetian. I have no idea how, but we ended up getting in the club without waiting and without paying. I've decided just talk to the right security and they'll let you in. We had so much fun!
The funniest thing of the entire trip was the drive down there. We stopped outside of Cedar City for a rest stop and Brooke (who was driving) thought her car sounded funny so we get out to investigate and Brooke freaks out and screams there is an animal!! So I look at the front of her car and there is a full on claw hanging out of her grill. So she calls her boyfriend in Cedar and we drive down to Cedar with this animal THING in her grill. I thought for sure that thing was all squished and dead in there. So when we get to Cedar her boyfriend starts poking it with a stick trying to get it out and the thing moves!!! Eventually its crawling all over in her car screeching and trying to get out. Some random guy showed up and ended up pulling the thing out by its tail. What was it you ask? A ROCK CHUCK. What the crap!?!?! It waddled away I'm sure terrified and wondering why the heck it was being relocated to Cedar City via the grill of a compact car. Poor thing.

This is a rock chuck....didn't even know what they looked liked until I had this encounter

Can you see its claw!?!

Pics from the trip....sorry I didn't get any with David

A couple weeks ago I was invited to Tintic days in....hold on....Eureka, Utah. I have actually been to Eureka several times and I have come to love this little town. They had a little parade and this mountain man presentation and all this fun stuff. I went with such a fun group of people too. I hadn't seen a lot of these people for a long time and it was so much fun. Thanks Ian for the invite :)

So I have to do a little shout out to Sam's sister Dixie she was driving through on her way to school and stayed with us for a couple days. Sam also had a gig that weekend. Thanks Dixie for stoppin' by just had a blast with ya!!!


  1. You're so cute. That Rock Chuch story is hilarious. I'm a little mad that you didn't have a picture with David Spade. You want to know something funny? When I read the title of this post - I immediately thought of earwigs. I hate them. :) Love you!

  2. I can not even get over how freaking hilarious you are! I love hearing about all your adventures. A rock chuck!? Seriously awesome.

  3. What a great post!! The rock chuck claw is the most disgusting thing I have seen in awhile!! I love the wonderful animal experiences we all have. I am with Lynsey, next time you see David, you better get a picture. I say next time because obviously you will run into the creep again!!:)
