Wednesday, April 21, 2010

780 Calories Later......

I'm insane. Some of my classmates and I went to lunch one day in my friend Tana's car. I saw that she had a yoga mat, and I asked her how often she did yoga. She goes on to tell me that she is kinda into this Bikram Yoga class and that I should totally try it. Let me explain this to you. Bikram yoga is a 90 minute class done in a room that is in between 105 to 110 degrees with at least 40% humidity. Also, let me throw this out there that I have probably done BEGINNERS yoga like twice. What was I thinking when I agreed that I would go??? Anywho, my other friend Corey went with me to this class yesterday so that I wouldn't be the only beginner. I walked into that room and seriously thought..."What the hell am I thinking!" It was so freaking hot! I went to class in some shorts and a tank top....ironically I felt totally over dressed. When the yoga instructor came into the room wearing what looked liked his little brother's whitie tighties I couldn't help but think, "Uh, perhaps this class might be a little intense for me." The class started out with some breathing exercises and yes I was already dripping sweat. I don't know how the dude in front of me stayed hydrated. You know on the movie "Along Came Polly" when Ben Stiller is sweating profusely eating Indian food? Times that by ten and you have the practically naked man that was in front of me. Needless to say, I surprised myself. I only got lightheaded once and that was on this totally weird backwards posture. I'm not very good at yoga but I felt great when I was done with the class. I walked out of that place looking like I had just jumped into a pool. But no I had just spent the last hour and a half sweat my brains out. I read that you can lose up to 780 calories in one class. I also read about all these great benefits that go along with Bikram Yoga. I have to say although that class was super intense and how I got through I don't know, if I were staying in Ogden I might consider buying the unlimited pass. And unfortunately, I don't think any gyms in Nephi offer any Bikram Yoga classes. However, I think I would benefit from doing some yoga, so I'm going to try to get into it. Here are pictures of some of the postures and what they SHOULD look like.

That last one is where I got super lightheaded. No worries I looked NOTHING like these examples.

Good times :)


  1. I don't want pictures of other people doing Bikram Yoga. I want pictures of YOU doing Bikram Yoga. LOLOLOLOL! I'm seriously laughing that much right now. Here's one more - LOLOLOLOLOL. You're Ben Stiller comment is what did me in. Enough laughing though. You should apply to be the Bikram Yoga instructor in the hometown. It would be fabulous. I would literally drive up once a month just to see that. On a side note: You are ALMOST done! Yay!

  2. I meant "your" not "you're" Ben Stiller comment. Grandma S. and Dad would be so disappointed in me! :)

  3. I can't believe you did this!! I love it!! I also want pictures of you doing Bikram Yoga. I also want the guy in front of you.... don't ask me why!! Congrats on not passing out because I would have closed my eyes for a long sleep 5 minutes into it. How fun!!

  4. Nice job. I don't think I could handle sister in law loves it. I refuse to try it. Kudos to you!
    Also, I'm pretty sure those poses are not normal. I don't think the human body was meant to bend in such ways! :)

  5. I LOVE BIKRAM!!! I totally would've went with you. I've gone quite a few times and I'm still a beginner. :)

  6. I have always wanted to try that! Seems intense. Good for you for going! haha :)
    Love the Ben stiller analogy...
